Tip One:
To AVOID children being caught up in the middle of parental conflict INSTEAD focus on establishing a ‘working relationship’ between one another with an emphasis on ‘tuning into’ and understanding the NEEDS of the children.
Tip Two:
To AVOID children feeling overwhelmed INSTEAD remind your children that you both love them very much. Keep to as much of a routine as possible. Ensure they continue to see/visit significant people in their lives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc.
Tip Three:
To AVOID your children feeling torn between each parent, INSTEAD be happy for your children for the great time spent with the other parent. It’s not always about how we are feeling!
Tip Four:
To AVOID communicating to children with age-inappropriate information such as what the other parent just did/said to you INSTEAD speak to another adult such as trusted friends, counsellors – people in whom you can confide. Children are not equipped to understand and/or deal with them.
Tip Five:
To AVOID getting angry, especially with any uncharacteristic behaviour of your children, INSTEAD recognise that children can often ‘unpack’ their feelings about the overall separation by erupting over small, insignificant triggers. Make sure you inform the teacher of the change in circumstances at home so that they can support you as well as your child.