Here are five tips to help resolve issues and avoid them getting out of hand.
Tip One
Stick to the issue ‘at hand’ so that you avoid venturing into a right/wrong or win/lose scenario where it ends up getting ‘out of hand’.
Tip Two
Stop rehearsing the ‘old stories’ that do not belong to whatever the current situation is. You’ll get nowhere fast if you keep rehearsing the old stuff. Learn to get off ‘that stage’ so you can start writing a much better, healthier, productive script for how to deal with conflict in your life.
Tip Three
Two things you can do if there is an issue – avoid or confront. Remember that which we resist will most persist. Spend a maximum of 20% on identifying specifically what the issue is and 80% on what the options, solutions or opportunities are for you. What can you learn from this situation? How can you grow so history doesn’t keep repeating itself?
Tip Four
Move away from the need to be right which means the other person is wrong. This makes a situation become polarised without any middle ground to negotiate. It can also take away the opportunity to develop solutions.
Tip Five
Think about the way we speak or communicate an issue. Our interpretation of an issue could be the opposite of how the other person interprets it. This in turn creates bigger problems. The first step is to make sure you are both on the same page. Share what you both think, feel or believe is your part in the issue, and what you can do about it.
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